Over the past 4 years, Micropro has participated in the training program set up by the Siemens group and Eurocham.
The ACCG certification, African Certification of Corporate Governance, aims to:
- Raise awareness among SMEs of corporate governance issues
- Support them in implementing a corporate governance policy
- Award a certificate to SMEs that have completed the program
The training provided enabled the beneficiaries (SMEs) to structure their business (implementation of measures).
Built around missions and values, «corporate governance» is a system put in place to direct and control the company over the long term. Governance protects the rights and interests of shareholders, but also those of other stakeholders (managers, employees, customers, suppliers, banks, etc.). It also provides a framework for monitoring the strategic actions carried out, the definition and proper use of resources for an expected level of performance. It defines who controls what and how this control is exercised. To do this, it sets rules, practices to follow and codes of conduct according to the situations encountered.
Micropro has thus audited, strengthened and enriched its procedures for better practices.