Over the past 4 years, Micropro has participated in the training program set up by the Siemens group and Eurocham.

The ACCG certification, African Certification of Corporate Governance, aims to:

  • Raise awareness among SMEs of corporate governance issues
  • Support them in implementing a corporate governance policy
  • Award a certificate to SMEs that have completed the program

The training provided enabled the beneficiaries (SMEs) to structure their business (implementation of measures).

Built around missions and values, «corporate governance» is a system put in place to direct and control the company over the long term. Governance protects the rights and interests of shareholders, but also those of other stakeholders (managers, employees, customers, suppliers, banks, etc.). It also provides a framework for monitoring the strategic actions carried out, the definition and proper use of resources for an expected level of performance. It defines who controls what and how this control is exercised. To do this, it sets rules, practices to follow and codes of conduct according to the situations encountered.

Micropro has thus audited, strengthened and enriched its procedures for better practices.




Micropro becomes official partner of Wasabi

There was a time not so long ago when the preservation of a company's computer data required a backup system that was complex in its implementation and monitoring. Compliance with the principles of multiple media and outsourcing imposed constraints that were difficult to follow rigorously and risks of loss or damage to the media.

The evolution of the quality of Internet connections has made it possible to consider the use of Cloud storage with greater reliability and larger volumes.

Today, it is possible to have automated backups to data centers that meet the highest security standards.

In order to meet this need, Micropro has become a partner of the Wasabi company in order to offer you Cloud storage services with many advantages.

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Our Partner, Bitdefender, has been honored to receive recognition from Nasdaq in TimesSquare for their latest achievement: securing the top spot on PCMag’s “Best Brands for 2024” list. This list began with nearly 700 global tech brands, making this accolade especially significant.

Congratulations to them for this performance !


Micropro was present at the 2023 Business Show organized by the CFACI.

This was an opportunity for us to meet many people interested in our solutions.


Micropro will be present at the Salon des Entrerpises organized by the CFACI.

Come meet us there so we can discuss your IT systems. We will be happy to share our advice and recommendations with you.


The current murky situation in Europe portends an increase in cyber threats. Some specialized agencies have published recommendations to protect companies against these risks.

So what should you do to protect your business?

Micropro offers you some recommendations that should allow you to go around all the sensitive points of your network.

Follow each of the steps indicated, noting the condition observed.

So get started ASAP.

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Micropro and its partners Bitdefender and Veeam would like to thank all the participants in the evening which took place on June 16, 2021 at the Casino Barrière L'Eléphant d'Or of the Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire as part of the monthly cocktails organized by the Cercle Français d'Affaires in Côte d'Ivoire (CFACI).

Many of you came to discuss the sensitive subject of computer security in a relaxed manner, both in professional and personal settings.

Our on-site team was able to provide you with information by answering your questions and explaining the issues to you.

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On Friday, December 2, 2022, the 1st trade fair organized by the Cercle Français d'Affaires en Côte d'Ivoire (CFACI) will take place.


Micropro will be present at this event. This will be an opportunity for you to meet us to discuss IT in your company. We can talk with you about your problems and the solutions we can offer you to make your IT the working tool it should be, namely to help you and make your tasks easier and not make them more complex.